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"Waiting for Godot to bless me"

Photo du rédacteur: Ramia BeladelRamia Beladel

Alexis Williams's response, Montreal, Canada, 2014

Waiting for Godot to bless me,2014 as performed by ALEXIS WILLIAMS, Montreal, Canada

Dress in fine clothing. Find yourself centered, and silent. Sit in a chair under an open sky. Inhale all the negative feelings around you.The irritation, the fear and anger. Fill the first balloon with all these negative feelings, cleaning them out from inside you. Dig a small hole. Burry the stone and leave the negative feelings there forever.

Fill your lungs with the love of your family and friends. While you breathe this love into the next balloon think of someone who has loved you. Exhale gratitude into the balloon. Visualize that person finding peace and love and success. Plant the stone and leave it there to grow more love.

Fill your lungs with all the encouragement you have received. While you breathe this encouragement into the next balloon think of someone who has encouraged you. Exhale gratitude into the balloon. Visualize that person finding peace and love and success. Plant the stone and leave it there to grow more encouragement and gratitude.

Fill your lungs with all the support you have received. While you breathe this support into the next balloon think of someone who has supported you. Exhale gratitude into the balloon. Visualize that person finding peace love and success. Plant the stone and leave it there to grow more support and gratitude.

Concentrate on the positive things you want to nurture and grow in yourself and your life. Inhale your ambition and strength. Fill the balloon with your dreams of the future. Plant the stone and leave these dreams to grow.

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